
health care

2010 Health Care Overhaul – Establishing Hope

It is difficult to listen to politicians call this health care bill “unconstitutional.” If providing health care to the citizens of our own country is unconstitutional, than we have a problem with the Constitution.

Plans to provide health care to 32 million Americans who are currently without should open your eyes to the necessity of this bill. When did we become so isolated and self-absorbed that we would prefer watch our own people suffer? Have capitalist ideals overtaken Christian ones?

It is a shame that we ignore the slow moving, consistent problems in our world to focus on the ones… Continue reading

Comprehending US Health Care Reform

Let’s ask ourselves a few questions about the new health care bill:

**Who will pay for the billions of dollars in tax increases?

**What will happen when people start dropping their existing coverage to acquire cheaper coverage?

**President Obama said after the bill was passed, “It’s time to bring this debate to a close and begin the hard work of implementing this reform properly on behalf of the American people.”  Is that possible with so many people in disagreement? How can we focus on health care reform as a whole, instead of as two sides?

**Is universal health care a… Continue reading

When and Where are You Happy with Health Care?

This Sunday, Congress will vote on US Health Care reform.

 As this issue will affect millions of people in serious ways and has already stirred up a lot of conversation, we want to leave the opinions and comments to you today.

How have you experienced problems with health care? How do you feel we should approach health care reform? Do you have ideas for health care solutions? With all the trouble we have had so far, is there something to be said about the efficiency of the decision-making process?

 Many people have experienced health care systems in places outside the… Continue reading