
2010 Health Care Overhaul – Establishing Hope

It is difficult to listen to politicians call this health care bill “unconstitutional.” If providing health care to the citizens of our own country is unconstitutional, than we have a problem with the Constitution.

Plans to provide health care to 32 million Americans who are currently without should open your eyes to the necessity of this bill. When did we become so isolated and self-absorbed that we would prefer watch our own people suffer? Have capitalist ideals overtaken Christian ones?

It is a shame that we ignore the slow moving, consistent problems in our world to focus on the ones rising into the spotlight. It often feels hypocritical. Americans are so willing to do whatever needs to be done in order to find justice for those lost in the September 11th attacks, yet are incredibly hesitant to reduce the quality of their own lives to save others from sickness and death.

It is refreshing to feel the rush of change that has been so lacking. Talks of the overhaul have been so longwinded that an end result such as this seemed near impossible. President Obama said that the passing of this bill proves that change is still possible, and he couldn’t be more correct. Whether this change will be a full success is yet to be scene, but the mere sign of one should give us hope.

4 Responses to 2010 Health Care Overhaul – Establishing Hope

  • Big Lebowski says:

    And what about the new Obamacare? Anyone has any thoughts about it?

  • Carol says:

    Very well put, Mason. The hysteria arising from this plan when It hasn’t even been given a chance
    is so premature and unproductive. I read an article today which told of a Mom calling her employer’s
    on the DAY AFTER the health care bill was signed, to find out how soon she could get her 22 yr. old
    child on her health insurance plan. That says volumes aboult how people are desparate
    for help with insurance coverage! And sooner, rather than later.

  • Chris says:

    Thanks for the comments,

    I just want to say I liked your comment about our decision between helping everyone even though some will take advantage and helping no one nobody so that no one will take advantage. I agree with you, I would rather see people receiving necessary medical care and deal with the fact that some people will abuse this system.

  • Mason says:

    The way I see it is that not only will it help out millions of Americans who DO need healthcare and who are NOT taking advantage of the system, but it will also help out small businesses and give a hand up to the little guys who are dropping like flies in this bad economy.

    How selfish is it really for people to have a problem lending a hand to people in need? Its absolutely absurd to me to see people who make over $250,000 or more annually having an issue being taxed 1.6% more to get the economy back on its feet. What is with these militia groups planning on attacking our police force and public officials being murdered and harassed? Obama himself made a statement about how it hasn’t even fully been implemented and it has only been a week. Why can’t we give it a chance? Implimenting violence to change something in this government is exactly what we should always avoid, and it does nothing to change the situation at hand.

    I think overall health care reform will do wonders for this nation as a whole. Yes there are people who abuse the system and absolutely DO NOT diserve to have the same benefits. But if its a decision between helping everyone even though there are some who take advantage, or not helping anyone and letting those in need suffer I say HELP EVERYONE. I think its excellent that this nation’s government is starting to focus on the well being of its citizens, isn’t this what we were wanting during almost the entire length of the Bush administration? Whats the big deal?

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